- Date & Time: Wednesday 9 February at 11am to 12:30pm
- Price: £5.00 per person
- Venue: This session will take place on Zoom and will be auto-captioned
Erin Sanchez, One Dance UK’s Manager of Health, Wellbeing and Performance, will discuss self-confidence and encourage dialogue and consideration of how you can develop confidence in your creativity, whilst sharing strategies and opportunities for support.
The session will open out into mini-discussion groups to share ideas and experiences with other creatives.
This talk is open to creatives from all art forms, at any level of their careers, with a particular focus on those feeling out of practice or lower in confidence since Covid-19 lockdowns.
A Little Bit About the Speaker
Erin Sanchez is an advocate, educator, and developing applied researcher. She collaborates to improve dancers’ health, wellbeing and performance within One Dance UK and the National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science (NIDMS).
She has led over 600 workshops for professionals/students and advocates for positive, strengths-led psychological services and education, and healthy working/training conditions. She is pursuing her PhD and holds an MSc Dance Science, a BA (Hons) Dance and Sociology, and the Safe and Effective Dance Practice qualification. In 2021, she released her first book, Psychological Skills for Dancers with Prof Dave Collins and Dr Aine MacNamara.
In 2020 we surveyed creative practitioners across Cambridgeshire, to help us understand what development opportunities are needed most. We had over 130 responses, with many practitioners looking for advice & peer support.
Now, as part of The Library Presents’ commitment to artist development, we are excited to offer a series of talks and workshops, all designed to support you. With advice from submitting an expression of interest to our artist call out, to giving you all the tools you need to be a successful creative freelancer.