The Quarantine Quilt

The Quarantine Quilt

‘The Quarantine Quilt’ is a chance for everyone to help create an enormous patchwork quilt inspired by their time in lockdown. Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or you’ve never picked up a needle and thread before - we want to hear from you!

As the Coronavirus Lockdown continues, many of us are inside and alone, relying on screens for comfort and connection; millions of individual squares of light making up our isolated population. We want to draw those squares together literally and physically into a hybrid of physical and digital art making. 

Over the next couple of months, our textile and digital artists will assemble the patches into both a physical and a digital quilt. The physical quilt will ultimately be displayed in libraries and museums across Cambridgeshire whilst the digital quilt will be put together online - you can click here to view it being assembled. 

We will also be holding live ‘Quilt Sessions’ - a zoom video call with live folk music, storytelling and top sewing tips that anyone can tune into (and contribute to!) while working on their patch. To sign up for the live 'Quilt Sessions' please click here. 

Suitable for: People of all ages living in Cambridgeshire and people without access to the internet. 

Click here to join in / order a quilt pack on behalf of someone without internet.

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