Listen to the Voices of the Fen

Listen to the Voices of the Fen

A project by Kathy Hinde in partnership with Wicken Fen, National Trust and Babylon Arts. Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Listen to the Voices of the Fen invites you to actively listen to the voices of many different species at Wicken Fen. Activites and installations will reveal hidden soundworlds that may not usaully be noticed, from underwater, underground and inside trees. Visit Wicken Fen and listen from a new perspecitve by joining a listening walk, or wander at your own pace to explore sound installations. 

The project has 3 phases:

  • Summer 2024: installation on site with which visitors are invited to engage
  • Community group workshops and activities, from summer 2024 through to summer 2025; also public workshops and continued listening walks on site
  • Summer 2025: larger scale installation on site, with launch performance piece co-created by our workshop participants
Sound Pools installation 

An immersive sound piece along Wicken Fen's boardwalk, close to the Roger Clarke Hide, elevating the hidden sounds from the Fen.

Opening 18 July for summer evening opening at 6pm.

Showing every day until 29 September during Wicken Fen's usual opening hours.

Live Hydrophone Stream

Listen live to a nearby underwater microphone from the visitor centre at Wicken Fen. This underwater soundscape will also be live-streamed as part of a 'locus-sonus' soundmap.

Deep Listening Walks

Kathy Hinde will be leading Deep Listening Walks over the opening weekend of the 2024 installation, Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July, at 11:30am, 2pm and 4pm. Book tickets here.


Click here to find out more about the project.

Photo by Mike Selby

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