Network Funding for Ely Cultural Strategy Group

Network Funding for Ely Cultural Strategy Group

We’re delighted to announce that Babylon Arts has received a small grant from Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy’s Network Fund, to support our work with a newly forming Cultural Strategy Group for Ely.

The Ely Cultural Strategy Group’s aim is to develop and then deliver a cultural strategy for Ely and its neighbouring parishes. The work of the group is intended to enhance existing cultural offers and infrastructure. It will look for ways that, through partnership and collaboration, it can increase the cultural vibrancy of the city, to have a positive impact on the local economy and engage with both local residents and visitors. Networks funding will support the development of an effective fundraising strategy as part of the overall Cultural Strategy for Ely, as well as develop a shared approach to effective fundraising in partnership.

Consultation will take place through-out January, February and March 2020 and the funding will pay for a fundraising specialist to deliver a planning day with the group to grow its fundraising potential.

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