Video Games

The 8 week Creative Briefs are designed to stimulate real-world thinking and will be supported by a short film/Q&As with the industry professionals who set them. The briefs and accompanying interactive sessions are designed to be delivered remotely and in-line with expected Covid restrictions, with the schools’ involvement being supported by Babylon ARTS.

A range of artists, cultural professionals and creative organisations from across the local area have been sought to provide Creative Briefs aimed at young people aged 11 to 15. One Creative Brief has been provided from each of the industries found in the 12 creative industry sub-sectors.

Click here for a PDF summary of the Video Games Brief.

If you are interested in signing up for the Creative Briefs programme or are interested in finding out more, please contact

An introduction to the Video games Creative Brief, with Edalia Day (Theatre maker, Animator and Spoken word artist)

This work has been made possible with funding and partnership support from: Festival Bridge, East Cambridgeshire and Fenland Opportunity Area, Take Your Place (NEACO) and Skills Builder Partnership.

Festival Bridge East Cambridgeshire and Fenland Opportunity Area Take Your Place (NEACO) Skills Builder Partnership

Skills Builder Badges

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